American Institute
of Pyramidology

To get to Part IIIb. and the rest of the Great Pyramid studies, you must join the American Institute of Pyramidology. The membership fee is $10.

Before telling you about that, let me remind you that the Institute continues to supply the following FREE resources:

The benefits of the Institute include:

AIP statement of purpose:

AIP statement of faith:

As much as we would like to continue offering you our studies freely, there are several reasons we have chosen for the formation of a small fee-based Institute. One simple reason is the need to finance our website, and its continuing publishing and scholarship on the Great Pyramid. Another is the synergetic power that can derive from individuals working cooperatively on studying one of the world's great mysteries.

We have several methods you can use to get the $10 to us so you can join the AIP and gain access to its member-restricted webpages:

1. You can send your $10 check made out to AIP to

When it is received, you will be sent the Part I. booklet and instructions in reaching the restricted AIP pages.

2. You can call our toll free number and pay for your membership with Master or Visa. InfiNET Services is handling the credit card details for us. They are not ALWAYS at the phone, however...

3. You can use the electronic form which will come up when you press the link. This form only works with forms-capable browsers such as Netscape. On this form you will be sending us your credit card number to pay the $10 AIP membership fee.

4. For those who do not like to use Master or Visa card, and who do not want to wait by sending a check, we have made arrangements with Logicom to use a 900 number. Though 900 numbers have received a bad name because of the way they have been abused, we believe they offer an efficient way for you to help the ongoing work of the Institute.

When you call Logicom, you will be given a code to enter on this page. When you enter that code on this page, you will be taken to the gateway page of the American Institute of Pyramidology. The call will cost $10.00 with no additional charges, no per-minute charges. The AIP gets $8 of this $10 and $2 goes to the administration of the 900 number.

To use the 900 number successfully follow the directions below

NOTE: It is unlawful for anyone under the age of 18 to make this phone call.

To successfully use this 900 number you must do three things:

Enter Your E-mail Address:

Enter the redemption number:

Note: Your phone billing will appear as "Web Access."

The American Institute of Pyramidology Refund Policy on WEB900 purchases:

Refunds will be honored in the event of some unresolvable technical difficulty. We would prefer that you not ask for a refund simply because you disagree with something on the AIP pages. There is a very diverse cross section of people interested in the Great Pyramid and various positions are to be expected. To receive a refund, customers must first obtain approval via e-mail by describing and attempting to resolve the technical problem. Upon authorization for the refund, customers may be asked to mail or fax a photocopy of their phone bill showing the WEB900 charge along with the refund authorization number.

If you would like to ask any questions before joining the Institute, please e-mail the AIP Director Larry Pahl. If you leave your phone number and a good time to call, we'll be glad to phone you.